This is a node application that uses a database from mysql to complete the operations. When a person begins the program he/she is presented with a table containing a product idea, product name, price, department name and stock quantity. After this the user will be prompted to choose an item by product id. Once this is completed the user will be prompted to choose how many of the item they would like. At this point the request will be compared with the stock quantity. If there is insufficient stock the message appears, "Insufficient Quantity," and the program will end. If, however, there is sufficient quantity the user will be presented with the name of the item and the total cost once the price is tallied with the amount selected. After that the program will end on the user interface. During this if you were to launch the program again the table will have updated with the stock reflecting the amount subtracted from what the user chose previously.
Liri-App is a node app that allows you to use several APIs to call back information and display it in terminal. It is similar to the idea of Siri. Liri will search Spotify songs, OMDB database for movies and Bands in Town for concert information. It responds to an input in node for a command such as spotify-this-song and will in turn call the API and return information on what was requested